Membership Requirements and Disqualifiers

Thank you for your interest in Virginia Beach EMS and our volunteer rescue squads! Our EMTs are entrusted with tremendous responsibilities. They must be able to safely operate emergency vehicles, provide patient care in the pre-hospital environment, and treat all patients with dignity, respect, and compassion.

All members must meet the set of minimum requirements below in order to be a part of our rescue squad team.

Minimum Requirements for Membership

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Possess a valid driver’s license (for Support Volunteers, exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis).
  • Complete a membership application.
  • Satisfactorily complete a criminal background check, which includes fingerprinting.
  • Have a good driving record.
  • Complete a medical exam screening.

Virginia Beach EMS Department Disqualifiers

The following are considered disqualifying factors, resulting in non-selection for volunteer or employment opportunities in the Virginia Beach Department of Emergency Medical Services.

Criminal History

  • Conviction of any felony other than those listed below.
  • Convicted of any crime in which the victim is an out-of-hospital patient or a resident of a healthcare facility including abuse, neglect, theft, or financial exploitation of a person entrusted to the care or protection of the applicant.Convicted of serious crimes of violence against persons such as an assault or battery with a dangerous weapon, aggravated assault and battery, murder or attempted murder, manslaughter except for involuntary manslaughter, kidnapping, robbery of any degree, or arson.
  • Convicted of serious crimes against property or person(s), such as grand larceny, embezzlement, computer fraud, insurance fraud, and identity theft. Commission of undetected crimes of a serious or repetitive nature.


  • Conviction of illegal possession, use, sale, or intent to sell marijuana or a derivative thereof within 12 months from the time of volunteer or career application.
  • Conviction of illegal possession, use, sale, or intent to sell Schedule I or II controlled substances including but not limited to narcotics and illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine, hallucinogens, or any other Schedule I or II drug, or any derivative thereof as defined in the Code of Virginia which constitutes a felony within five years from the time of volunteer or career application.
  • Conviction of illegal sale or intent to sell Schedule III-VI controlled substances within five years from the time of volunteer or career application.
  • Conviction of illegal use and possession of Schedule III-VI controlled substances within five years from the time of volunteer or career application.

Driving Record

  • Convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, refusing to take blood or breath test, eluding police, racing, hit and run, or operating a vehicle on a suspended (Administrative suspension will be separately evaluated) or revoked license.
  • All other driver’s license transcripts (Virginia and out-of-state) will be reviewed to determine eligibility, those with -6 or more points will receive greater scrutiny.


  • Any punitive discharge from the military: including Bad Conduct and Dishonorable discharge; from any military service.
  • Any founded charge of child and/or elder abuse or neglect.
  • Permanent revocation of EMS certification or license in Virginia or any other state; and disciplinary or enforcement action by Virginia or other state EMS office or other recognized state or national healthcare provider licensing or certifying body in the last five years.
  • Untruthfulness, the withholding of information, or deliberate inaccuracies, on any application, interview, or paperwork, associated with the onboarding/hiring processes.

Note: This is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of background disqualifiers. An applicant may also be disqualified for other concerns. Other areas of concern will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Other areas of concern include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Conviction of any other Class 1 or 2 misdemeanor or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude (lying, stealing, cheating), excluding traffic violations, within the last five years; or the Virginia State Law equivalent within the last five years.
  • Conviction of reckless driving; patterns of reckless or irresponsible driving; or multiple convictions of driving under the influence; and suspension of driving privileges due to conviction of a moving violation(s).
  • Reduction of charges because of a plea agreement or other form of sentencing disposition prior to a conviction in any of the aforementioned criminal and driving history categories
  • Crimes committed as a juvenile, including undetected crimes.
  • Admission of illegal drug possession, use, sale, or intent to sell Schedule I-VI controlled substances that do not fall within the parameters defined above.
  • Military general discharge under other than honorable conditions.
  • Incomplete statements on any application, interview, or paperwork, or on any examination or testing associated with coursework, onboarding, and hiring processes.
  • Erratic work record; unfavorable employment references.
  • Pending criminal charges.