Provider Recertification
The VB Rescue – EMS Training Division assists all affiliated providers with their recertification needs, including continuing education classes, recertification resources, and more.
The VB Rescue – EMS Training Division assists all affiliated providers with their recertification needs, including continuing education classes, recertification resources, and more.
All VB Rescue providers are welcome to attend EMT Academy classes to earn CE hours for specific skills. Please contact EMSTrain@vbgov.com to sign up to attend an EMT Academy class.
VB Rescue providers can access free courses that offer CE hours through the Department of EMS’ Vector Solutions platform. If you have any issues logging into Vector Solutions, please contact EMSTrain@vbgov.com for help.
If you’re in need of CE hours for your recertification, you can access free courses available from the Virginia Department of Health. Here, you can create your account through Vector Solutions and complete CE courses. Your Virginia Office of EMS (VAOEMS) CE Report will be updated within 24-72 hours.
If you have completed all the required hours in each category area, you’re all set. On your expiration date, VAOEMS will automatically recertify you and send a new certification card to your address of record.
Please make sure your address is correct in your provider profile.